This is why I can't get anything done...
The cats found it infinitely interesting for me to work at the kitchen table. If I would get up, one of them would walk over and sit on whatever I am working on. Then the other would come and sit down on it as well. They were rather irritated at being moved. Doogie knocked tools and pencils onto the floor.
Neemo likes to smash down what ever I'm working on.
Doogie tried to nap on my plans.
It's good to have such close supervision.
1 comment:
Hi Ron
The Rosette on the Selmers is really difficult. I wasted I fine spruce top on my first attempt. When you're not satisfied you can always try again. I got the best result using a mold of MDF and stewmac carbide bits attached to my Dremel with router base. As you asked on my Blog; I'm not planning on aging/coloring my top, I like the tone of natural spruce.
Hey, take a look at Koen's blog. He's from Belgium and is also building a Selmer copy (actually his second)the link; http://koencassiers.blogspot.com/
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