Friday, June 12, 2009

I have a box!

Or, a very expensive drum..
I got the back glued on at class and did some other fiddly stuff. I also put a coat of shellac on the inside and affixed the nifty label that Marilyn made for me. It's a copy of the original Selmer label from the 1920's.
Since I had a day off I was able to get lots done today.
I fitted the top and glued it to the sides.
Before I could do that, i had to trim down some of the braces that were just a tad long and weren't quite fitting. Prior to gluing I taped a plastic trash bag on the inside to catch any glue that dribbles.

After the glue dried I was able to use a laminate trimmer to trim the top and back overhang. A sanded down the edges and set the box aside for now.

I started back on the neck. I drilled and cut the slots for the strings BY HAND. The router scares me. I had already had it jump and chew out a notch on the outside of the peg head, necessitating a slimmer head. I may have to grind the rollers a bit more so they don't touch.
Finally, I cut the neck to width (plus a little). If I get the plumbing done at the in-laws' I can trim down the fretboard.

I also did some gardening!
We got about 10 artichokes, some giant onions and some lettuce.


Anonymous said...

Wow Ronn! That is amazing. I just "discovered" your blog (so sorry I have not made a comment earlier.)

What I find really interesting about your guitar project is that there are so many different skills required to complete the project; knowing about metal working, work working, and finishes. It is not just one skill, but a whole set of skills! I would love to see the it soon. Greg M.

ronnwaters said...

Thanks Greg!
This is a great project for me. There are so many different things to learn about. My ADD comes in handy I guess.
Sensi-Larry is a big help; he is master of many of the dark and ancient arts required of the luthier.
I'm fascinated by the inner workings of things.

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