Last Friday, I was working on the front walkway. Chipping out some broke pieces of slate and putting new ones in. Easy-peasy. I had the right tools, knee pads and oodles of experience.
After quitting time I noticed my knee was a little tender. No wonder, I'd just spent 4 hours on it. A few advil and shower will fix that.
By dinner time it had puffed up to the size of a softball and gotten all pink and stiff.
The next morning I couldn't stand on it or bend it. Very strange.
Go to health barn and get some Anti-inflammatory stuff and go home.
Can't sleep because of the throbbing; that and every-time Marilyn rolls over or the cats jump on the bed they whack my knee.
The upside is, the walkway looks bitchen and I have only a few more tiles to set (the fiddly-cut ones) and the in-floor lights to plug in and I'm done. Maybe next week.....
Spider bite? maybe if you were under a porch or around bushes.
Fire ant then?
Voodoo doll?
We thought it might be but couldn't find a bite mark. I had one a few years ago and it looked similar.
I'm thinking the doll. I've had all manner of breaks and sprains and punctures, but this is strange....
Your wife must love you.
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