What's better than having a water leak in one bathroom? Having a water leak in both bathrooms!
We noticed some water staining along the base boards and near the tub drain in our big (?) bathroom at the end of the hall. We had been planning to do a remodel for some time but want to wait till we could afford it etc... Oh, well.
I pulled up one of the base boards and found mold of various colors. So, that lead to cutting out some of the wainscoting, which lead to a total bathroom re-do. After I got the wall boards off we found that the shower pan in the other bathroom is leaking as well! Wonderful.
We also found that our tub drain was cracked below the slab and needed to be replaced!
This calls for a real plumber, so we call a friend of a friend who is real good/cheap and he makes a big hole in the floor, cuts out the old drain then tells us he has to go out of town for a week or two!
This projects is approaching the point where it is cheaper and easier to just burn the house down and start over.
The good news is I am off-track (since I work through the summer I get to take time off thru the year) all next week so I am going to be able to work on the bathroom.
My district has "spring break" in April so I can work on the other bathroom then. Oh-boy!
Then again is is very therapeutic for me.