Last weekend the cubscouts had a painting party.
Around the corner from our house is a little old lady who can't quite keep her house up. It was painted yellow, light green, dark green, blue, brown and white. And not in a good way either. Plus, she has nine million (or so) boxes and tubs stacked up around the house. Needless to say the city was not happy with this and was sending her nastygrams. So, the cubscouts of Pack 373 went over and painted her house. It was great for the boys. They got to learn how to roll and spray paint, plus we did something nice for someone.
The strange thing is that she has junk piled up inside the house to the point that you couldn't walk through any of the rooms (that we could see through the windows) and that her water doesn't work.
We hooked up with the Lions Club and they have donated several dumpsters and the head of the sanitation district has been fixing up her yard for her on his own time.
The ammount of stuff piled up makes me nervous.
Here's a good link:
That was a great thing! I'm glad you could do it. Was she appreciative? I hope so!
I worry a bit about her mental state though, if the inside of the house is as bad as that. The sad thing is, even if someone goes in and cleans it out, it gets just as bad pretty quickly again. People who are okay with "deer trails" through their homes have already lost their sense of cleanliness. I haven't ever seen anyone be able to get that back, unless they are on drugs/alcohol & get clean.
I'm glad it looks better on the outside now, and it would be nice if the lady makes an effort to keep it tidy - good luck!
Thanks Tina.
We haven't heard from her yet...
Oh well.
Some of the neighbors came over and said thanks.
It was a good lesson for the cubs, that sometimes doing the good or right thing doesnn't always win you something.
You didn't mention the dead possum on the roof.
And the boys did win something, the feeling of being able to do something nice for no reward. It is a great power to be able to do that.
ily ppd
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