Two weeks ago, I took my cub scouts SCUBA diving!
Sports Chalet has a program called "Discover SCUBA". It's a free 2 hr. intro to diving.
4 boys, another dad and I went. It was great! I used to dive years ago and have forgotten how much fun it was.
Also, for Joel it was very exciting. We've been doing swim lessons for years with little signs of improvement. Finally I bought him a mask and snorkel and had him try it. He took to it right away, with no fear or hesitation whatsoever.
The pool at Sport Chalet went from 4' to 13'. Joel was the only one of the cubs to go to the bottom of the 13'. He spent an hour underwater and we had to drag him out of the pool when it was over.
Several of the other boys were "non swimmers" but they were still able to play around underwater. It was very exciting for all of us!