I got new glasses this weekend.
I had to get bifocals with the transitional lenses. I guess that I am now officially old.
I think they're cool but I'm still getting used to them.
They kind of look like Moon Martin.

Marilyn says more like Brains from Thunderbirds. I think she's being kind.

I got the Transitional lenses last time around. My eyes are too sensitive for contacts for any length of time. I had some left over for playing hockey and for swimming (disposable). The other day I put them in and was shocked to see how difficult it was to see anything up close.
I know. I hate contacts. I used to wear them for dirt biking but it feels like i want to claw my eyes out after about 20 minutes.
Marilyn has a pair of contacts with one for far and one for close. I'm afraid i'd go in big circles, plus try to claw my eyes out.
I want those flexy frames you used to have!
Have you thought about R-K? I asked my dr. and he said mine weren't bad enough yet.
Ehem... Hiram J. Hackenbacker is hot, I'll have you know.
The wife.
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