My wife says I am like Mister Toad, because I have a new "mania". No, it's not a gypsy cart. I finally got around (got permission) to buy my own quad! I used to test quads for 4 Wheel/ATV Magazine, but retired a few years back when my son was young. It was hard being gone most weekends. Plus I had an "incident" involving a quad, a lawnmower-trailer, a hill and a cliff.
I had gotten my son a bike through the magazine, but he had not shown much interest in riding, but when some of his friends from school had quads he became much more keen on it. It was hard since I did have my own. The editor of the magazine was gracious enough to loan me a test bike or two for a while (Don's a great guy!).

But about 6 weeks ago I snapped: The boy had spent the whole weekend glued to the Game Cube. From Friday after school till bed time Sunday night nothing but video games. I told the wonderwife that I was buying a quad so we could do something together out in the "Big Blue Room". She agreed (although I did suspect she had been replaced by a doppleganger). So by the next weekend I had a Honda ex400 in the garage.
Unfortunately, the ducati gets less exercise now. Although I have made sure that she is washed and polished and started every couple of days...